John Cena 20th Anniversary: John Cena hints at his return to WWE on his 20th anniversary

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John Cena 20th Anniversary: John Cena hints at his return to WWE on his 20th anniversary

In a chat with Adam’s Apple, 16-time WWE Champion John Cena revealed that he would be open to a return to celebrate his 20th year with the company.

Although he did not confirm it and did not provide more details, he left a return for the future in the air.

John Cena debuted on WWE television in 2002, in a memorable segment and match.

Against Kurt Angle. From then until these days, Cena has become the face of the company.

One of the most important figures in the business, being an example of several new fighters and thousands of fans.

“I know I’m going to be 20 years old in WWE very soon, so it’s a big deal. I’ve worked with a pretty historic class of wrestlers:

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Batista, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, and they kind of all turned 20. I’m aware that that’s about to happen.” around the corner and who knows?”

Cena hinted at the question of what the future holds for him and remembering a bit of his past in WWE.

“There’s a lot of exciting things going on and I don’t want to say no to any of these opportunities that are on my doorstep.

So I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I hope it’s soon. I’ve been gone too long,” Cena said of a possible return.

His last fight in WWE was against Roman Reigns at the SummerSlam event last year, 2021.

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Now, focused on building his career as a Hollywood actor, he sees himself somewhat removed from the ring, but according to his words, nothing is said yet.