NXT UK RESULTS: NXT Full Results & Highlights, 01st April 2021

WWE NXT UK RESULTS & HIGHLIGHTS: WWE broadcast today, Thursday, April 1, 2021, a new episode of its weekly show NXT UK through WWE Network and Peacock.  As usual, the British brand made the recordings from the BT Sport Studio in London, UK.  The show featured a defense of the NXT UK Tag Team Championships between the champions, Pretty Deadly (Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley), against the challengers, Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan.

1. Aoife Valkyrie vs.  Stevie turner

Valkyrie controls the pace of the fight at the start, although Turner manages to turn it around by securing a padlock to the arm.  The Irish fighter escapes and fights back with Dropkick.  Turner is on the ropes while the referee separates the rival from her.  The debutant takes advantage, knocks down Valkyrie and centers her offense on her opponent’s leg.  Aoife responds by hitting her good leg and jumps from the corner into the Diving Dropkick.  Combo of Ax Kick and Enzuigiri on Turner, reaching the count to two.  The British fighter resists and returns to the charge surprising with a Backstabber in the corner.

Turner kicks her opponent, angering her.  Valkyrie hits with slaps, follows with a kick to the head and finishes with Peripeteia for the count of three.

Winner: Aoife Valkyrie

A-Kid talks about his victory for the Heritage Cup Championship. A-Kid remembers that he couldn’t believe what happened after his fight in the final against Trent Seven.  Suddenly, he had interviews on television, radio, newspapers … He remembers that when he was 15 years old he saw Ángel Martín on television and now he was covering his passage through the tournament.  The whole country followed his fight and he feels that he is the role model for the next A-Kid.  What he matters is connecting with people, something that he believes he has achieved.  He is excited to represent Spain at NXT UK, but he is more eager to see who will be his next challenger after NXT UK: Prelude.

Piper Niven arrives at the UK Performance Center, where she is waiting for Jack Starz.  The fighter is excited by presenting the entire circuit that he has prepared for his training.  Niven stops him, he’s already the best exercising, but pro-wrestling needs something more.  Niven comments that she is not a model, but she can defeat anyone in the ring, even men.  For an hour, Starz is going to disconnect and train his style.  Niven gives him a sack in the ring and lets his partner hit him loose with him.

2. Josh Morrell vs.  Teoman

Teoman begins by controlling his rival, punishing his left arm.  Borrell uses his agility to escape and hits with Dropkick.  Even so, Teoman reduces him again, knocking him down to continue with Dropkick to the face.  The German fighter prevails, attacking the neck and leg of his opponent.  Morrell tries to push the opponent away from him, but Teoman responds with Handspring Elbow.  The British fighter endures more blows and manages to knock down his opponent with Hip Toss, reaching the count to two.

Another count of two from Morrell after escaping from a grip from his rival.  The Brit wears Standing Moonsault, but Teoman awaits him with his knees up.  Teoman does not stop, hits with Dropkick to the knee of his opponent and follows with Missile Dropkick to the neck.  The attack continues with Foot Stomps to the back and chest.  Finally, Teoman uses the Crossface, causing Morrell to surrender.

Winner: Teoman

Sid Scala, Assistant General Manager of NXT UK, assists as moderator of the debate between Rampage Brown and NXT UK Champion, WALTER.  Scala asks the leader of Imperium if he thinks he is the greatest champion in NXT UK history.  WALTER responds by asking if he is the longest-serving NXT UK and WWE champion in modern times.  Scala agrees with him, so the “Ring General” concludes that he is the best in history.

On Brown’s turn, Scala asks about his preparation for the title fight.  Brown responds that he has prepared like any other fight.  Pro-wrestling has been his job for 20 years and he always takes it seriously, does not underestimate his opponent and asks the champion if he is ready for him.  WALTER replies, the difference between the two is clear.  For Brown it may be a job, but for him it is his life, trying to reinstate honor in the sport.

Scala asks the champion if he respects his challenger.  WALTER says no, he’s just another one.  Brown interrupts to recall that he defeated the Austrian in the first fight he had in England.  WALTER agrees with him, but since then he has improved traveling all over the place.  Brown’s reply, he already did that long before his rival.  The “Ring General” keeps talking, he expected Brown to come to NXT UK and challenge him, but he is like the rest of the people.  Brown clarifies, like the other people he has abused.

WALTER mentions that his next challenger is like the rest who have tried to take advantage of his fame.  Brown gets angry, stating that the champion is arrogant and will not abuse him.  WALTER also infuriates, he is the least selfish person in NXT UK, as he fights for the sport.  The “Ring General” affirms that he will never know what it is like to be in his shoes and be a NXT UK Champion.  They both end up face to face, ending the segment.

Gallus are training in a secluded area, with Joe Coffey working on his injured arm.  The “Iron King” mentions that he is improving and Mark Coffey leaves with Wolfgang.  The two arrive in a fenced-in area, where Wolfgang knocks out a stranger in a street fight.  Gallus celebrate the victory of his companion.

Kay Lee Ray, NXT UK Women’s Champion, arrives in the ring.  She remembers that she asked to face the best in the world and NXT UK complied.  She was offered the legendary Meiko Satomura, which she managed to beat.  People believed that she was going to lose her belt at the time, but they were wrong.  Ray is still the NXT UK Champion and she will be forever, so they have to get used to it.

Emilia McKenzie appears interrupting the NXT UK champion.  McKenzie recalls that it has been a long time since she was on NXT UK.  Since then she has been traveling, training and preparing to return at the perfect time.  She is now in NXT UK to defeat the best, so her paths will end up crossing.  Ray faces to fight at that moment but … Isla Dawn arrives to attack McKenzie!  Meiko Satomura runs to the ring to help Emilia, keeping the rivals away from her.

Noam Dar speaks in a video about his upcoming fight on NXT UK: Prelude.  Dar claims that he will not fail and he will defeat Tyler Bate to be the next challenger to the Heritage Cup Championship. Bate comments that the “Supernova” stands in his way to the title.  New cut for Dar, where the wrestler claims that he came to NXT UK to prove that he is the star of the WWE Universe.  Bate points out that Dar must be prepared for the fight.  On his part, Dar indicates that he needs, wants and deserves to win, taking advantage of any failure of his rival.

Kay Lee Ray talks backstage with Isla Dawn.  Sid Scala arrives and claims to have a message from NXT UK General Manager Johnny Saint.  For next week there will be a tag team match between them against Satomura and McKenzie.  Ray responds that she hates Scala and leaves.  Dawn stares at the manager for a few moments before leaving.

Full card for NXT UK: Prelude confirmed:

– Meiko Satomura and Emilia McKenzie vs.  Kay Lee Ray and Isla Dawn

Heritage Cup Championship Chance – Heritage Cup Rules
– Noam Dar (accompanied by Sha Samuels) vs.  Tyler Bate (accompanied by Trent Seven)

– A-Kid will be present

– Jordan Devlin will speak after wrestling at NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver

-Ilja Dragunov will speak after his fight against Sam Gradwell without disqualification

NXT UK Championship
– WALTER (c) vs.  Rampage Brown

3. NXT UK Tag Team Championship: Pretty Deadly (c) (Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley) vs.  Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan

After an even start, Jordan hits the champions with a double Dropkick, knocking them out of the ring.  Howley returns and receives Jordan’s Running Crossbody.  Stoker takes over without his opponent noticing and surprises him by attacking him around the ring.  Champions take the lead and combine Bodysplash plus Legdrop.  Jordan resists and executes Neckbreaker on Stoker.  He tries to get rid of Howley by kicking him from the corner, but Stoker arrives and knocks him down from outside.  Pretty Deadly isolate their rival, who manages to escape to take over.

Kenny Williams comes in sweeping the champs and runs a Bulldog in the corner on Stoker.  “Lucky Yin” does not stop, jumps on his opponents in Springboard Elbow and then launches out of the ring at them.  He turned inside, where Stoker struggled to catch an opponent’s crossbody attempt from him.  However, Williams transforms him into Huracanrrana for the count of two.  Stoker pushes the challengers away and combines with his partner with a crossover of Spear and Uppercut.  Jordan resists and, together with his partner, they chain Wheelbarrow Facebuster plus Senton Bomb.  Amir takes Stoker out of the ring while Williams finishes off Howley with Satellite DDT, touching the count of three.

There are relays at both corners and after a few sequences, Stoker stops Jordan with a DDT.  Howley pushes the partner away from him and receives a Rebound Clothesline from Williams.  Meanwhile, Stoker crashes into the referee, knocking him out.  Kenny Williams seizes the opportunity and brings the NXT UK Tag Team Championships into the ring.  He throws a belt at Jordan and asks him to wear it.  Jordan refuses, so Williams removes his belt to do it himself.  Jordan avoids it, he already wants to win legally.  Williams appears to drop the belt, but grabs the other and uses it to hit Jordan on the back.

Kenny Williams leaves while Pretty Deadly finishes off Amir Jordan with the Spilt Milk for the count of three.

Winners and STILL CHAMPIONS: Pretty Deadly (Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley)

Pretty Deadly celebrate the victory while Williams remains on the entrance ramp reproaching his partner. Jordan laments to end the show.


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