WWE News: Shawn Michaels remembers how Scott Hall never wanted to be number one

WWE News: Shawn Michaels remembers how Scott Hall never wanted to be number one

WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels was recently interviewed by Sports Illustrated about the passing of Scott Hall. During the interview.

“The Heartbreak Kid” discussed the first time he met Hall, his fights with him and much more. Below you can see some of the highlights of the interview:

She met Scott Hall when she was 19 years old.

“I was just 19 years old when I met Scott. And the first time we met was when we were in the ring together…Scott’s name was Coyote, and I mean the name of that duo was American Starship with Danny Spivey.

During the fight, I had to do a double backdrop and I remember Scott telling me: ‘I’ve never seen anyone get that high.

He enjoyed working with Scott Hall in the ring

“Scott really liked that it made him look stronger. He had been working with Bulldog Bob Brown and Rufus R. Jones, and I don’t want to disrespect those guys,

But Scott hadn’t worked with a lot of smaller babyfaces, who sold their blows as if they were devastating.

Scott Hall quit playing a ‘giant’ character

“Scott was 6’3” and 250lbs, and I’m being conservative: he’d get mad at me if I messed up the weight, but I’d knock him down with a tackle.

He worked with me the same way Chris Jericho did and Bret Hart did “He didn’t work with the big man character. He had done it early in his career and felt like it limited him.

When he got to WWE, he decided he wasn’t going to do that… I can still hear him in the car, sitting in the backseat, saying, ‘Hey, how does the biggest guy in the territory avoid contact? Then I’d turn to Kevin and say, ‘You’re right.’

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He had those nuggets of wisdom, and a lot of it came from his time, being around veterans and listening and absorbing knowledge.

Scott was calm and quiet, but he was a good listener. He had great psychology. He was always tilting the story towards his opponents.”

The Kliq’s friendship was everything to him

“For the five of us, the only thing that mattered was that we had each other. I was young and sassy back then, and not everyone appreciated that.

I remember Scott saying, ‘If somebody’s going to spank your ass, he’ll have to whip ours.’

We took care of each other. I mean, we grew up together. I wasn’t even 21 when we met. I was still being cartelized and couldn’t get into bars.

Scott was sneaking things out of me. other all the time. The business was everything to us, and that friendship was equally important.

And we thought, if we could do this together, how cool would that be? We became a family.”

Scott Hall knew how to shine without having a World Championship in his hands

“The title can pigeonhole you creatively because it becomes everything about the title.

Scott created his own excitement and became an attraction. He created his own greatness. The NWO, he never made it about him. He never had to.

Scott used to say, ‘I don’t need to be number 1 to people, I just need to be number 1 to myself.’ So Scott was always that guy.

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The one who was consistent, who didn’t need all the glory or all the fame, the one who always I was in the mix. Creatively, I wanted to be free.”