WWE News: John Cena says Vince McMahon is “The Best Lesson” in WWE

WWE News: John Cena says Vince McMahon is “The Best Lesson” in WWE

In a recent interview with Chris Van Vliet for the promotion of the film Fast 9. John Cena when asked what the most important lesson he learned from his professional relationship with Vince McMahon. Cena had only positive opinions about it.

The Dinner Experience

Cena replied: “At all times I reflect on my experience in WWE and on what he has taught me.

 And often it’s about learning by osmosis, he’s not the type to lecture or lecture you, you learn by seeing his decision making. This says a lot about his person and what you can learn from him ”.

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An endless involvement

Cena continued: “He’s always behind the scenes, he’s involved every day. His creative decisions can be criticized, but that’s who they are, creativity, and it’s always a subjective matter.

He is there, with his feet on the ground, he always believes in the product and loves it. I think this is the biggest lesson, you just have to be there and do your job ”.


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