WWE News: John Cena visits a refugee child in the Netherlands

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WWE News: John Cena visits a refugee child in the Netherlands

John Cena is not only one of the biggest Superstars in WWE history, he is also a man who has fulfilled the dreams of many children around the world.

By making an appearance in person through the Make-A-Wish Foundation.Last weekend he traveled to the Netherlands to surprise a Ukrainian refugee boy Misha Rohozhyn.

The boy, who suffers from Down syndrome, escaped from the war.Between Ukraine and Russia from Mariupol, an area that has been severely punished by both armies, and took refuge in Europe with his mother.

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In the video that you can see at the top of this news, John Cena appears by surprise with the aim of fulfilling Misha’s dream:

Meeting his favorite superstar. His mother promised to see him in person one day, but circumstances did not allow it.

Although none of them expected that dream to come true in this way. Cena spent the morning with Misha’s family and gave away merchandise.

John Cena returns to WWE

On Monday, during the Monday Night Raw broadcast, it was confirmed that John Cena will return to WWE on June 27 at the company’s red show.

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It will coincide with his 20th anniversary of his debut in WWE and it is very likely that he will start a rivalry with Theory ahead of one of the summer shows, although the latter has not yet been confirmed.